Personality theory is one of the
most exciting, relevant, significant and research-driven areas of study and
research in Psychology. It has given rise to a plethora of psychological
paradigms (Aamodt, M. & Raynes, B., 2001; Alfonso, Herminia Corazon M.,
2001; Allport, Gordon, 1937; Feist, Jess & Feist, Gregory J., 2006). It is
able to develop translation protocols whereby cutting edge research can reach
mass consciousness through various literary sources, including massive outputs
in the book publishing business year after year. Together with Psychometrics (Psychological
testing and measurement) and Psychotherapy, Personality theory research and
development is the very heart of Psychology itself (Cattel, R.B., 1990; Eysenck,
1982; Feist, Jess & Feist, Gregory J., 2006; Fraenkel, Wallen & Hyun,
2012; Gardner, 1983; Goleman, 2006). People from all walks of life are
fascinated with its findings, lessons and insights.
From one dimension of knowledge
acquisition, the field of Archetypal and Analytical Psychology (Jungian
Psychology) is one of the most interesting. Though the concept of the archetype
has been known since the time of the great Lord Plotinus of Alexandria, the
field itself is one of the youngest in the whole array of the social sciences. Given
scientific impetus by the brilliant insights of Dr. Carl Jung, research into the
archetypes continues to stimulate interesting discussions from all sides of the
scientific spectrum. Popularized by current writers of archetypal,
transpersonal, evolutionary and humanistic psychology, the once-nebulous
concept of the archetype is now definitely instilled in the popular
consciousness of modern man. It has driven much research and continues to
encourage those courageous enough to explore uncharted territories in the
fields of psychology and education. During the time of Jung, he contemplated
the possibility of psychology itself and this subfield of Jungian psychology
(Archetypal psychology) as the central core in the search for
cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary dialogue in the social as well as the
natural sciences. This incredible dream can still be a reality.
From another dimension of knowledge
acquisition, the field of evolutionary biology is gaining renewed interest. This
comes at a time when new research in the cutting edge fields of science like
complex systems theory, information theory and quantum physics are just about
to reach mass consciousness. Due to the technical sophistication inherent in
these fields, their most technical findings have been limited to those who have
been mentally initiated at the highest levels. Yet, there is a growing clamour
to make the recent findings of these fields more comprehensive to the general
reader as well as the avid student of science. In evolutionary biology, the
controversial concept of the morphogenetic field is still relevant, since
confirmatory research has not been exhausted in this area.
Using the principles of knowledge
synthesis, cross-fertilization and integration, this paper attempts to develop
a theoretical framework for personality structure and development in archetypal
psychology by linking the concept of the collective unconscious with that of
the morphogenetic field. While doing this, a parallel objective would be to
present a theory of the archetypes from a different point of view, postulating
them in the light of the interaction of the collective unconscious with the morphogenetic
field. It is the hope of this study to enlighten the general reader on the
nature of the archetypes, their functions in personality development, and their
nativity as a function of the multidimensional interaction of the collective
unconscious with its corresponding morphogenetic fields.
The Collective Unconscious is a
cauldron of information characterized by latent imagery, intelligence and
archetypal power. On the other hand, the morphogenetic field is a dynamic
topology characterized by expressive potency, versatile functionality and
dynamic power to demonstrate the archetypes. The former is powerful information
at its very core while the latter possesses the dynamic architecture and matrix
with which to express the archetypes of mankind. Together, they fuse energy and
matter and information and biological architecture into a fluid form which
incarnates in space and time. Together, they give rise to Life. They produce
Life in all its myriad forms.
The primacy of the collective
unconscious is fundamental. In his book, The Origins and History of
Consciousness, Erich Neumann makes quite a powerful statement:
cardinal discovery of transpersonal psychology is that the collective psyche,
the deepest layer of the unconscious, is the living ground current from which
is derived everything to do with a particularized ego possessing consciousness:
upon this it is based, by this it is nourished, and without this it cannot
exist. (Neumann, 1954, page 270).
It is the primary postulate of this
paper that this dynamic interaction of collective unconscious and morphogenetic
field is the causative agency that gives rise to the dance of the archetypes,
arrayed in logical progression from incipiency to culmination. Using this
paradigm, personality structure and development can be viewed as a function of
this dynamic interaction in space and time. The secondary postulate of this paper
is that this multiphasic interaction can be conceptualized as occurring in
twelve distinct but connected stages. These twelve stages are a natural
progression of the creation, maintenance and development of a complex dynamic system.
Being aware of this dynamic interaction, we can extend the exploratory mandate
of this paper as the ability to integrate both Archetypal Psychology and
Evolutionary Biology with Complex Systems Theory.
These twelve stages of dynamic
interaction between collective unconscious and morphogenetic field can be
comprehended better if we associate and represent them with relevant
associations in the archetypal world. Let us represent them in a table and then
discuss them comprehensively within the table.
1: Phases of Interaction Between Collective Unconscious and Morphogenetic Field
this initial phase, collective unconscious interfaces with a morphogenetic
field. The information potential of the former tries to assert itself in the latter.
In order to succeed, its relative strength must exceed that of the latter. Morphogenetic
field finds that collective unconscious is irresistible initially. A
singularity is born.
Inceptor/Warrior Archetype. Has overwhelming amounts of energy potential. The
fundamental impetus is to express this energy in significant contexts. The
capacity of energy to express itself becomes the very attractor state. The
personality is driven, impulsive, aggressive, competitive and narcissistic. This
has been popularized as child or the warrior archetype.
second stage is morphogenetic field’s reaction to the first stage. Like an
immune system, it reacts in an extreme manner and tries to stabilize the
collective unconscious in a topological framework. Dialogue is born between
collective unconscious and morphogenetic field. An unstable equilibrium is
Builder/Naturalist Archetype. This is a reaction to the first stage. The
morphogenetic field, in its attempts to stabilize, encases the incipient
collective unconscious in a matrix strong enough to hold it. Here, the
personality is attracted to nature and its products as a reflection of this
attempted stabilization. The personality is acquisitive, stubborn,
materialistic, and determined to master its environment.
this stage, collective unconscious and morphogenetic field try to improve the
relations between each other by attempting all forms of paradigmatic
communication and exchange. While respecting each other as separate entities,
they nevertheless initiate tentative attempts at cross-fertilization. These
attempts to integrate communication protocols achieve novel states of
information processing.
Communicator/Prodigy Archetype. Being a model of initial cross-fertilization,
the personality is dualistic, superficial, and easily distracted. On the
positive side, it is versatile, open-minded, and has almost unlimited
curiosity to explore novel states and experiences. It is also adept at
mastering communication protocols. A true genius in information processing is
this stage, collective unconscious and morphogenetic field achieve a unique
form of integrated state. Existing now as an informational field with an
existing data memory enclave dedicated to the promotion of its uniqueness. States
of contemplation are achieved whereby the being reflects on the stream of its
shared consciousness framework. The collective unconscious is still
predominant at this stage, though and manifests through Art in various forms.
Caregiver/Nurturer Archetype. This archetype is particularly devoted to
memory. Its nativity and history are given paramount significance.
Manifesting in personality as emotionality. Emotions serve as the engine of
growth. The personality is intuitive, perceptive, emotional, secretive and
creative. And there also exists a predilection to be affiliated with nativity
and caregiver systems. The personality is unusually attracted to history.
stage is an emergent stage whereby the alchemical fusion that occurred in the
preceding stage culminates in the creation of a new kind of personality,
which nevertheless carries elements of the previous developmental phases. The
new complex system can be characterized as an adult, able to withstand
interpersonal relations with others. As a nucleus of continuing development,
the ego develops considerably in this stage. It begins to act as the center
of consciousness. Apt descriptions of this stage would be terms such as the
adult, or the individuality. A personal unconscious is now sharply defined
and differentiated.
Star/Artist Archetype. In this developmental stage, a strong ego is of
paramount importance. By developing a strong ego, the personality can now
begin to express itself on equal terms with other personalities. Also born
are such parameters as occupational excellence, and smooth interpersonal
relations between it and others. With a strong ego, the individuality is able
to wisely manage the massive energy potential still on tap which has been its
legacy since the very first incipient stage. The individuality is creative, and
attracts all sorts of creative environments.
previous stages, the being gradually discovers that its morphogenetic field
is a very powerful transformer or transducer of energy. Without a strong ego,
the being had to rely on the maintenance of a precarious balance between itself
and environment. It also surrendered itself to the whims and caprices of this
unstable equilibrium. With a strong ego, the individual is now able to
manipulate, explore, and express the powers of its morphogenetic field and
project this ability towards mastering its environment.
Worker/Engineer/Logician Archetype. With a strong ego now developed in the
preceding stage, the individual is empowered to master its environment. And
master its environment, it shall. By leaps and bounds! This personality possesses
isomorphic intelligence. He/she is hardworking, determined, precise, and
accurate. He takes great pride in his/her work. She/he is a paragon of
stage three where the creation of novel communication protocols is at a
maximum, this stage is characterized by a similar objective. The difference
is that the individuality, now possessing a mature ego, is able to focus its
emergent powers on complementarity, and the ability to enter into significant
relationships with others. This phase is a contemplation of self and
Diplomat/Lover Archetype. Complementarity is pursued as the personality
possesses a healthy blend of awareness of the needs of Self balanced with
that of the Other. The personality is diplomatic, charming and given to
social constructs and activities. There is the ability to be sensitive to the
needs of others. This is the perfect personality for diplomacy.
this stage, the mature ego is able to contemplate and experience fusion with
another on a very intimate level. Reflecting stage four, it prioritizes
conjugation protocols whereby large sets of informational memory patterns are
exchanged. Exclusivity in conjugation is a must. Alchemical fusion of two
beings may occur in ecologies of intimacy. Which means a personal
unconscious, with a morphogenetic field set comes into conjugation with
another. The resulting fusion and transmutation is extremely powerful.
Researcher/Detective Archetype. This personality archetype carries a hidden sensuality,
but one laced with an intense desire for extreme experience. It is all or
nothing for this person. He/she is inspired by potent partners, those who can
delve into the depths of an awesome erotic connection. His/her body responds
to those who appear challenging, whose own psyches are as tormented by the
same intensity of feeling as his/her own. Intimacy must be discreet,
dedicated and devouring.
individuality now achieves another emergent stage. The healthy and mature ego
demonstrates a variety of functions. Firstly, it is able to transfer its
informational capacity to other individuals by serving as mentor. Secondly,
it contemplates and undergoes the wisdom quest, the search for the True Self.
Morphogenetic fields should serve the interests of both quest, mature ego,
and True Self.
Mentor/Philosopher Archetype. At this level, the individual is able to
integrate a host of experiences, insights and skills into a synthesis. There
is the pursuit of adventure for the sake of adventure. However, as the
individual matures through life, adventure is sought for its capacity to
generate insight through experience. There is a healthy blend of extroversion
and introversion.
In this particular stage, the fully mature ego
of the personality assumes full control. Thus, it attempts to push the
collective unconscious into the background, with varying moments of success.
The energies of the personality are marshalled towards perfecting the
individual personality in its particular ecology. Self aspires to become
master of its environment. The personality interacts with the morphogenetic
fields of other beings, but control is the primal objective. Control gives
the ego security and stability.
Leader/Administrator Archetype. Here, the personality is able to integrate
its skills, talents and abilities and come up with a very strong and
integrated sense of individuality.
These sets of skills are then marshalled to master its environment at
all costs. However, this personality has a predilection for sequential
control and mobilization of resources. A lower ground is firmly mastered
first before moving to higher ground. A sense of power goes with its ability
to see the bigger picture.
In this phase, the personality created by the
interaction of the morphogenetic field with the collective unconscious is
able to interact with other morphogenetic fields without necessarily
establishing control from its existential locus. It does this by solidarity
linkages, interactive networks that give and receive information. Information
processing therefore can partake of a huge plethora of knowledge databases.
Genius/Iconoclast Archetype. A strong sense of individuality is combined with
fraternal sensitivity. This predisposes this individual to seek to commune
with group spirit. There is a great deal of openness and solidarity. It is
said that these individuals love Humanity as a whole, but hate people.
is the final stage in the dialogue between the unconscious and its variety of
morphogenetic fields. Ideally, centroversion directs movement towards
wholeness, unity and individuation. The individuality contemplates and
experiences the dissolution of the ego in the fullness of the True Self. The
cosmic voyage reaches culmination in the ambient fire of the True Self. The
circle is complete.
Mystic/Recluse/Hermit Archetype. In this culmination stage, centroversion
directs the personality into arenas of wholeness. Concepts, images, and
experiences of unity preoccupy the ego. Individuation is of paramount
importance. Dissolution of the ego is met with acceptance and understanding.
The personality display ideal traits of compassion, humility, maturity,
balance, altruism, wisdom and the capacity to experience empathy with all
Classical paradigms in physics and
the natural sciences have established laws governing the nature of physical
reality. These paradigms revolve around the study of energy and matter. The
dance of energy and matter comprise the nature of reality itself, in its
various levels and dimensions. The fabric of reality is the nuanced perspective
that arises when energy and matter interact within space, time and scale. From
an analogous standpoint, psychology and the social sciences (Kuhn &
Hacking, 2012; Larsen & Buss, 2008;
Maddi, 1996; Mayer, Caruso, &
Salovey, 2000; Wiggins, 1996) can benefit from the understanding that
personality dynamics arise as a consequence of the multimodal interaction
between the collective unconscious and the morphogenetic field. Viewed in this
way, personality dynamics (Alfonso, 2001; Conley, 2012; Goleman, 2006; Gray, 2014; Hall, Lindzey,
& Campbell, 1998; Sparrow & Knight, 2009) can be understood as the
foreground and manifestation of interactional perspectives that arise when
collective unconscious and morphogenetic field dance in the background. This
conceptual framework is a powerful way of explicating the myriad personality
traits that exist in the human psychological ecosystem.
To conclude, this paper has
attempted to develop a strong theoretical framework for an understanding of
archetypal personality structure and development using a fusion of the combined
powers of Archetypal Psychology and Evolutionary Biology. The inception and
development of the archetypes, essential parameters of personality development,
has been explained and illustrated as the dynamic phases of the dialogue and
interface between the Collective Unconscious and its complexes with the Morphogenetic
Field and its energetic properties. These phases demonstrate a natural flow
from incipiency to culmination, from creation to wholeness. In all these
phases, the developing ego is shown to be striving towards self-individuation.
As recommendations, this author
makes the following: First, it is our hope that more students of Psychology in
general and Jungian psychology in particular explore, study, analyze and
research more correlates of the archetypes using a variety of other methods,
while allowing for cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary integration. Second,
that more applied research be performed on Archetypal Psychology in the various
social sciences, as they are veritable sources of data. May this paper inspire
and encourage more studies into Archetypal Psychology in general.
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Erwin Rimban was born in the
Philippine Islands. Since a young age he has been fascinated by the esoteric
realm and avidly read books on world history, philosophy, astrology, mythology,
the social sciences and similar fields. Educated at the University of the
Philippines, where he graduated Cum Laude, he added Evolutionary Biology to his
plethora of interests. After graduating from college, he spent many years in
the tourist destination of Baguio City where he pursued a career in writing and
teaching, while at the same time finding time to be a meditation teacher. His
hobbies include chess, poetry and Tarot counseling. Currently, he is active in
organizational work, where he is promoting advocacies in educational
philosophy, spiritual counseling, and environmental issues. He is also the
founder and mentor of a learning organization and Wisdom Community, the ANAM
CARA Philippines Learning Organization. He has written numerous essays on
wisdom, metaphysics, mysticism, psychology, history, educational philosophy and