Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Refutation of the Big Bang Theory

 By Dr. Ron Shane
Assisted by Lauren Kupis, Derek Chen, Thanh D Tran, and Alva Liang


Humans have existed for approximately 70,000 years;1 and this particular species is genetically 97 percent identical to the chimpanzee and bonobo.2 It primarily resided in its early history in social units similar to other highly evolved hominoid species. 3 The homo sapiens’ conceptual prowess and abstruse ratiocination was limited for at least 40,000 years of this species’ existence.4 Epistemology and theosophy was not an aspect of the homo sapiens’ conscious existence. Questions of a reflective nature, regarding human physical existence, most likely was induced from innovative epigenetic neurological changes.5

Neurophysiological epigenetic remodeling as a function of dietary changes, residing in larger social units, and modifications in atmospheric chemical densities most likely affected gene expression which then translated into cortical super circuit alterations.6,7 Darwin’s theoretical paradigm regarding evolution is a prima fascia overview of how the variability of gene expression is manifested into species differentiation.8 However, molecular biologists can now empirically define how social factors or other environmental variables can dramatically affect behavioral as well as morphological changes in the human organism which does not represent alterations in the configurations of the 3 billion nucleotides. 8,9 Homo sapiens have not experienced any ostensible changes in its 23,000 encoding genes in the preceding 35,000 years; and it is not known whether there have been alterations in the modulatory non-coding genes.

Cultural anthropologists have no paradigm to explicate why this hominoid species with several billion neurons beyond the chimpanzee’s limited cortex was able to modify its cultural milieu. For 40,000, years this hominoid species’ outward existence was not qualitatively distinctive from other genetically related hominoid organisms. Homo sapiens possessed only rudimentary language skills, very simple weapons, and other extraneous accouterments during most of its earthly existence. This organism demonstrated very simplistic ontological propensities. This puerile tool maker’s social existence was not very different from the chimpanzees’.

Evolutionary biologists, and anthropologists have not constructed a paradigm as to why phenotypical remodeling in terms of the structural dynamics and overall neurophysiological machinations were changed to where the cognitive acumen, and other abstract proclivities of this organism were dramatically enhanced. In a span of 20,000 years, this organism went from utilizing simple concepts, primitive tool making, and having no cosmological apprehension to a social evolution or epigenetic remodeling of cortical super circuit physiology to where there was a formidable restructuring of the homo sapiens’ cultural existence. Thus, in 30,000 years, the homo sapiens went from observing star light, and most likely not having any degree of reflective response to mathematically calculating the existence of magnanimous black holes.

There are a multitude of relevant inquiries and theories related to this hominoid’s enhanced proclivities for conceptual reflection. Currently, astrophysicists are mathematically attempting to comprehend the behavioral dynamics of the cosmos; and are not inclined to have a sentient apprehension of its experiential effulgence.10 Conversely, atavistic humans most likely prior to formulizing anthropomorphic constructs to explicate this species’ relationship to the celestial sphere were more inclined to experience a mystical coalescence with the cryptic energies of the cosmic realm.

There seems to be an intriguing inverse correlation between the body’s deeper sentient revelry with the celestial realm, and the abstruse elaborate conceptual paradigms regarding how the homo sapiens abstractly relates to the cosmic realm. Concepts like intelligence and consciousness have recently emerged as methodologies for ratiocination in terms of how this species’ abstractly relates to its enigmatic environmental milieu.11 In the preceding century, scientific mathematical conceptions have come to supplant or replace anthropomorphic folklore regarding or explicating the celestial sphere. Most indigenous cultures have consecrated some kind of enigmatic mythic structure or elaborate theosophy pertaining to the etiology of the celestial realm.

These seemingly divergent theosophies revealed a similar neurological rendition or modification germane to this species’ particular epigenetic or phenotypical remodeling. Scientific instrumentation, and mathematical protocols represent changes in cortical super circuit axonal connectivity manifesting in less anthropomorphic ideologies referring to the ubiquitous nature of the cosmos. In philosophical terms, teleology was replaced by ontological paradigms12 that are now likewise superseded by mathematical models which are not sentiently inspired or tempered by the infirmities of egocentric anthropomorphism.  

300 years ago, scholarly humans still stated that the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun revolved around this planet.13 There was an omnipotent progenitor who consecrated the visible universe; and that humans were thoroughly emblematic of this imperial celestial emperor. Astrophysicists within the preceding 100 years have empirically asserted that there are billions of galaxies with trillions of stars and planetary spheres. The earth is an insignificant dot in an infinite colossal sea of light and dark matter. The size of the universe is exponentially expanding as the galaxies are rapidly moving in the endless ocean of dark energy and matter.14,15

The earth is rotating and orbiting around the sun, and the entire solar system is moving in a milky way galaxy which likewise is being propelled through the dark energy of space by gravitational dynamics. The enigmatic network of gravity appears to be impacting the conglomeration of all traditional matter.16 Currently, the nature of gravity is still shrouded by an obscure mystique, and the etiology or its affect on objects in terms of movement is not yet comprehended. The force of gravity with respect to its machinations or impact on matter is still as mysterious and not understood; and scientists do not comprehend it beyond Newton’s original theories.

Humans have for at least 30,000 years attempted in anthropomorphic terms to understand the casual manifestations of the universe or its creation.17 Recently, the highly conceptual hominoid has observed with reflective acumen the genesis of all biological organisms; and with this limited analysis have paralleled it to the matriculations of the universe itself. In the 20th century, physicists have postulated the big bang theory to replace earlier theological paradigms contingent or based on mythic theosophical conceptions. Recently, astrophysicists have conceived that space is comprised of both dark energy and matter; and it is possible that gigantic black holes most likely existed prior to the so-called singularity of the big bang theory.18

The classical big bang theory is predicated upon the hypothesis that all the universe’s energy and matter was comprised in an area smaller than a child’s fist.19 If space existed, it did not contain any matter or energy. Theorists of this paltry paradigm were certainly not aware of either dark energy or matter which was not widely accepted by physicists at the time of the big bang theory’s postulation. There was no discussion if space was infinite or finite, nor was there any regard for an anthropomorphic progenitor or teleological analysis in the formulation of the big bang theory. In the author’s view, the big bang paradigm like other anthropomorphic constructions or teleological theories are fraught with absurd suppositions; and appears to be as fallacious as other creation myths.18

There is reasonable likelihood that dark energy and matter existed prior and during the expansion of traditional energy and matter. Recently, astrophysicists have discovered colossal black holes in the universe’s seemingly evolution. 20,21,22 It is the author’s contention that black holes, dark energy and matter existed at the time of what has been deemed the big bang theory. Currently, there are not any sufficient models yet explicating dark energy and matter’s relationship to the universe’s traditional matter and energy machinations. All the energy amplified by the universe’s conglomeration of stars pales in comparison to dark energy.

Black holes are consuming all the light based energies at an exponential pace; and there is not any reliable hypothesis as to what is being done with this matter and energy. There is some likelihood that the universe’s magnanimous black holes are actually super sophisticated engines of recycling energy as well as the manifestations of matter; and this makes more sense than having some kind of dramatic fallacious single event for engendering the visible universe. This analysis conceptually has more veracity than does the big bang theory. 23,24 Furthermore, space is no longer a vacuum, but rather a sea of strange subatomic particles driving enigmatic matter where constructs like time and space have no existence. Thus, the universe must be conceived as some unified network not discrete units subject to temporal and spatial analysis. Gravity itself should actually be viewed as a magnanimous network affecting the fluid dynamics of all traditional matter.

The big bang theory was not predicated on the analysis of subatomic particles that comprise what is known as the sea of space of the universe. Human physical science is based on photon driven energy as well as large molecular chemistry; and not the cryptic dark matter or energy which has been stated recently to be qualitatively distinctive from the recent science of even quantum mechanics or the subatomic machinations of traditional energy. Any future modeling regarding the etiology of the universe must be predicated on the synergy and the antipodal relationship of the gravitational gestalt of black holes, and their possible coalescence with dark energy and matter which appears now to have a stronger force on traditional light based matter than that of gravity. All macromolecular structures are in actuality governed by the fluid dynamics of its subatomic particles.

It appears that the motion of objects with less density or the machinations of its subatomic matter is compelled in its trajectory by the force or network waves of an entity with enhanced energy dynamics or mass. There is some likelihood involving waves of communication or small subatomic particle fluid dynamics amongst the universe’s black holes. 25 Gravity then must be envisioned as a system or matrix of waves interconnecting and governing the motion of all objects with some kind of traditional molecular mass. It is evident that the relationship between gravity, dark matter as well as energy is not understood, and is still shrouded in an ineffable mystique.

The human central nervous system can only empirically pursue a particular segment of physical reality; and time and space analysis is an arbitrary interpretation of the universe’s infinite complexity of unrelenting subatomic motions. The concept of the finite or infinity as well as death and rebirth may only be constructs unique to the cortical super circuitry of certain axonal complexes of the earthly homo sapiens. It is difficult to assess whether the nucleotide sequences which eventually lead to the translation of the vast array of amino acid structures of the human physiology is a template for other enigmatic molecular organisms. Thus, our empirical science could be flawed, and only relevant to the cortical machinations of this unique species. Many philosophers have stated that our enigmatic inquiries could only be then construed to be a fallacious dream.

It is necessary to regard the big bang theory as an erroneous, and futile attempt to homeostatically regulate the over-firing of particular cortical super circuits or the fictitious thrall related to creational myths consecrated in both endogenous and more contemporary societies. Future physicists need to produce complex paradigms explicating the relationship between dark energy and matter and black holes. If there is any phenomena like the big bang theory or entropy and regenesis of light related energy matter, it would then be engendered by black holes in an orchestrated manner throughout the universe’s dark energy subatomic fluid sphere. Thus, puerile analysis of black holes with respect to the recycling of light based energy may in a metaphorical manner be representative of earthly volcanoes. This paradigm is novel, and does not yet have any mathematical veracity. Currently, there are not any theoretical papers discerning the relationship between dark energy and black holes nor how non-traditional subatomic particles regulate them. In the preceding 30,000 years when the human cortex throughout its epigenetic alterations commenced neurologically more complex conceptualization or philosophical reflection regarding this organism’s relationship to the celestial sphere has only yielded very limited substantiated empirical veracity. Many neurobiologists have speculated about the problematic contentiousness between certain cortical super circuits which have epigenetically evolved compared to the genetic architecture or its axonal connectivity of the earlier homo sapien’s neo-cortex.

The term pertaining to human consciousness according to neuroscientists has not yet been substantiated in terms of specific neurological machinations; and could be then a distinctive meta-phenomena from the fluid dynamics of the universe’s known physical gestalt. In the preceding two millenniums, the pejorative siege between Plato and Aristotle has not been mitigated; and human metaphysical predilection is still academically a confounding conundrum. This specie’s quest in Nietzschean terms for the Apollonian may be devastating to the homo sapiens’ innate mystical proclivities. Anthropologists seem to concur that atavistic humans possessed a propensity to experience the celestial sphere with some kind of mystical intentionality.

Contemporary humans as a function of epigenetic neurological remodeling have become disinclined in 30,000 years to be intoxicated by the body’s ecstatic celestial revelry; and instead have formulated conceptual systems to venerate teleological abstractions which are now being replaced by sophisticated scientific mathematical theories. The big bang paradigm is absurd in a similar manner to other mythic indigenous conjurings as astrophysicists have still not been able to discern the universe’s enigmatic machinations. Space and time analysis most likely is only a facet of the human cortex’s neurophysiology or reflective intelligence. It may not necessarily be a ubiquitous aspect of other entities throughout distinctive galaxies.

Physicists in the future will be liberated from time and space cycles, and will scrutinize in the unified manner the continuum of the metamorphosis of various kinds of small atomic particles’ fluid dynamics. Homo sapiens are pondering a multitude of abstruse questions without any form of resolution. The ocean of dark energy demonstrates the limitations of time-based analysis. The phenomena of consciousness like that of dark energy defies Newtonian physics or the excessive conjurings related to our current empirical analysis. The simple homo sapiens’ tool maker residing in small social units like similar hominoid species was not necessarily cognizant of the universe’s furtive physical machinations.

Dark energy and matter comprises over 95% of the known universe, and exerts a negative pressure on gravity. It most likely existed prior and during the hypothetical big bang event. Dark matter is distinctive from dark energy; 26 and it does not emit or radiate any kind of photon related light. It was estimated by the Planck Mission Team that ordinary matter only constitutes only five percent of the universe where as dark matter comprises twenty six percent and dark energy represents sixty eight percent of space27. In the best case scenario, the big bang theory represents the genesis of less than four percent of the universe’s matter and energy; and most likely this ordinary sustenance is recycled in black holes rather than the big bang theory. Dark energy and matter constitutes 95 percent of the known universe and is in opposition to gravity’s effects.

This dark matter is modulated by occult subatomic particles qualitatively distinctive from those comprising ordinary matter28, 29. Every galaxy is inchoated with dark matter and energy; and stars only account for a small percentage of the universe’s matter. Black holes can be viewed as a conduit between dark matter and electromagnetic radiation. The relationship between black holes and dark matter is not at all understood. In the author’s view, dark matter is not privy to any aspect of the big bang paradigm; and most likely it modulates the gravitational imperative of black holes; and possibly the genesis of star formation and even entropy itself. In general, the connection between black holes and dark energy as well as the big bang theory is a conundrum for modern theoretical physicists.

Homo sapiens have departed from the ecstatic revelry of blending with the celestial marvelment where Apollonian cortical processes from cryptic epigenetics are now enabling this hominoid to speculate about the relationship of colossal furtive black holes to that of the universe’s prevalent dark energy which comprises the enigmatic subatomic particles whose fluid dynamics are antithetical to the sway of gravity. In existential terms, this species which is ninety seven percent genetically similar to the chimpanzee as a result of epigenetics is culturally now extremely divergent from other existing hominoids. It appears that homo sapiens are forsaken in a conceptual reality engendered by astrophysicists where the abstractions of epistemology have melted into an eerie subatomic dew.

The big bang theory, though it has more inordinate merit than other indigenous mythic creation folklore is hypothetically fallacious as a result of innovative constructs of astrophysicists in the 21st century. Forlorn and forsaken homo sapiens are now estranged from their salubrious instinctually; and are now confounded in an abyss of contracting supernovas impaled by the lurid antics of dark energy. These seemingly biological entities are now divested of their mystical prodigiousness to experience the rapturous mystique of celestial apotheosis. This species as a function of epigenetic related neurological super circuit remodeling are only discerning a sea of ever expanding constructs generated by their ever-increasing ratiocination. In summary, the big bang theory needs to be revised; and thoroughly updated as a phenomena regulated by dark energy’s affects on colossal black holes.

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Ron Shane ND PhD OMD MFA   Dr. Shane is a world-leading authority in body mind consciousness studies. See Bio section for more information about Dr. Shane.