Monday, September 14, 2015

What if What You Believe is Wrong and You Learned That Was Okay?

We form belief based on perceptions as we live our lives day and and day out.  These beliefs form the filters through which we view each other, the world and ourselves in the Quantum Whole of consciousness existence.  Our tiny little “c” consciousness via the ego doesn’t always know fact from reality, truth from illusion or belief from untested hypothesis and that’s really okay.  We learn though our beliefs and we must start somewhere in order to move in any direction or arrive at any destination no matter if it is even a temporary one.  So, we start with what we come to understand from the outside world and then we begin to learn what our beliefs are for.

Key Words

Belief, Continuum, God, Source, Truth


Belief is an untested hypothesis.  That might sound bad but it isn’t really.  It’s actually perfect. You see, we all must begin with a premise as we explore and experience this dimensional experience in which we currently find ourselves.  We must agree that it exists, maybe that it was created and that it had a Creator outside of us, we must agree that we are individuals, we must agree that we are within creation and then everything else sort of falls into a rhythm or vibration to which we respond to in kind with vibration in reaction to what we experience stemming from our beliefs.  This article explores the concept of Source or God from the perspective of belief with the highlighted focus on belief itself as the main point.  Too many philosophical arguments have been put forth for and against the existence of God and I will not add to that body of work with my own at this time.   Instead, I wish to touch on belief, the mainstay of any God, Goddess or Diety hypothesis or considered reality.  My hypothesis is that with belief, something is unreal unless you believe it is real.  I will explore a few works that delve into belief in order to bring the reader a certain context with which individualized belief may be carefully considered and understood to be very powerful. I assert that it is the holder of the belief that has the Source power to create and that the Source is a continuum of consciousness of which we are part.

In researching works to address this concept without writing a book, I naturally gravitated towards the informative work of Dr. David Hawkins.  Coming from a psycho-spiritual perspective, coupled with an educated biological background lent much credibility to the concepts presented by Dr. Hawkins.  If you are well-read in the area of metaphysics and spirituality or even philosophy and psychology, you may come to realize that many of his ideas, were not new but were ancient in origin but just very well described in current times by Dr. Hawkins.  The ancients understood much concerning belief it seems until the season of forgetting began for reasons only the Creators of Source existence know.  Much of what was presented by anyone from any discipline that slightly seemed to delve into any area not acknowledged and accepted by Western science was considered, well, “woo woo” as my Step-Father used to say.  I understand this perspective but I also realize that it is antiquated speak for anything the mind cannot comprehend that seems magical or even illogical.  This prevalent concept of cold hard scientific fact only and only scientific fact had it’s time but isn’t it time we start to support new ideas? Even some of our beloved scientists admitted to making discoveries while in a meditative of relaxed state in which their intuition could come through (e.g., Einstein, Edison, etc.) Even the discipline of physics dictates there must first be a premise and then from there equations are created to balance out the theory and voila, the newest theory of the universe is born and no one looks back.  Research Dr. Nassim Haramein and his wonderful work with The Resonance Project to understand more about his work defining the New World View.  I bring this up because this is the perfect example of what happens with belief, why we need it, what we can do with it and why at times we need to be wrong with our beliefs and learn to be okay with our seeming errors.  Our beliefs are the starting point to our discoveries in life.

Dr. David Hawkins spoke much in his works about positionality and that our perceptions were mere positionalities on the same continuum.  This is a very unique perspective worthy of deeper digging.  To explain, within his work I, Reality and Subjectivity, Dr. Hawkins explains various gradations from the perspective of both light and goodness.  After outlining the gradations on each of these continuums, Dr. Hawkins states:

The gradations are all on the same continuum, not on two opposing ones.  There is merely one continuous quality track.  One will see that there is no ‘good’ that is the opposite of ‘bad.’ The scale on the left indicates the presence or absence of Love and is therefor only about Love, just as the scale on the right indicates degrees of light and not opposites of light versus darkness.  Apparent ‘facts’ are illusions of truth, and it is obvious to see that such denotation actually depends totally on context.  On an absolute level, total context would include comprehension of every contribution to an event throughout eternity, plus an equal knowledge of all karmic history of everything and everyone involved.  This accounts for the spiritual declarations of ‘judge not’ and “judgment is mine,” sayeth the Lord.” It isn’t that the ego is incorrect, it is just incapable of arriving at an accurate comprehension of any seeming event. (47)

Further Consideration

When we think of belief, we humans in the West seem to turn instantly to morals and religions as if the words were all one and the same in reference to a biblicaly defined God.  Interestingly,  Laurence Gardner (The Origin of God, Dash House 2010, Brockenhurst, UK) in his work The Origin of God deals with the specific belief in this context by outlining the ways in which the manner of ‘knowledge’ most have come by in the description of God is actually refuted by the bible and other texts written around the same time.  Rather than see this narrowly as blasphemy, I see it as a disruptive concept worthy of merit.  Disrupting theories give us pause to stop whatever it is that we are doing and consider what it is we believe about something and whether or not that belief is true. Further, we then have the distinct opportunity to decide whether or not we’re going to take it (whatever “it” is) on faith and continue believing or seek the truth if there is one.  In an excerpt from this referenced work Mr. Gardner states:

In pursuing the evolutionary story of the Judaeo-Christian God to this point, we have considered the biblical text of the Old Testament by way of a flowing précis of its chronological contents. There is actually no other way to learn how the God Yahweh came to exist as a venerated cultural entity, since the Bible is the recognized document of record from which  all related teachings are drawn.  God, in the way he is religiously understood, was primarily featured in the Bible, which remains the base reference work for all theistic writings that have emanated in the millennia since its composition.  As we have seen, however, the Old Testament is not actually a book about God; it is a generational account of a patriarchal strain which became the Israelite nation.  It is a story of individuals, families and kings, of hardships and successes.  In the course of this narrative, God plays a major role at the outset, making a few personal and semi-personal appearances down to the post-Abrahamic era (c.1750 BC).  He then moves into physical obscurity and, from around 1350 BC, becomes almost incidental to the plot from the time of Moses.  What the Bible does not do, neither does it attempt at any state, is to prove the existence of God.  His reality is taken as read from the outset. (312)

In order to take this in without becoming upset or losing track of the main point, step back from the subject matter for a moment and return to the basic premise we started with that belief is something we work with until we have more details to either confirm it as fact or refute it as untested hypothesis or proven falsehood in the face of finding definitive truth.  For some interesting reading, speaking of beliefs, read the work from the philosopher Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages for some interesting alleged occurrences about the time the bible was canonized. Elaine Pagels also has some interesting things to say about that time period in her work on Beyond Belief:  the Secret Gospel of Thomas.  I mention these two works because within them, some of the things we have been given as a belief purported to equate to definitive truth begins to falter a bit in the light of truth which makes certain former beliefs fall to the category of untested hypothesis rather than definitive truth.  But while I can say that, I have to come back for a moment to Dr. Hawkins discussion on positionalities and continuums.  I’m left contemplating the consciousness of the universe for my own reasons and seeing everything in existence as part of one massive continuum I’ll call Consciousness with a very big “C” and from the Source of it to the heart of us, I see nothing but positionalities, stages and variations of beliefs and testing via the process of experience.

Some of the things I’ve mentioned above may seem a bit harsh to some if I have seemed to insensitively trample upon their belief.  To be quite frank, my intent was not to commit any personal insult or injury but rather to point out that belief is a great place to start.  I think where we falter as the whole of humanity is when we either individually or collectively hold a belief blindly as definitive truth without question or testing and shut down our minds and hearts to all other possibilities that we may need to continue searching for the truth whether it is with or outside of us seemingly.  If we find one belief doesn’t bear out as truth in the light of day, it could be troubling or disappointing for a time.  Unfortunately, some individuals are willing to fight for their beliefs.  That is very sad to me.  Would that they could instead simply assert their right to speak their opinion while allowing others to seek their own understanding, there may be less conflict in this place we co-exist within.  However, this can also be the impetus for the creation of much growth through the exploration of the path to truth of a matter.  I am beginning to love the disruptors that show up in our lives challenging our beliefs because it is their benevolent existence that has allowed me to graciously and some times very clumsily set aside those things that are illusory in order to better enable myself to begin to open my heart and soul to grasping what could quite possibly be the greatest truths in existence.  Maybe none of us have found them yet.  Maybe some of us have.  It’s all beautiful and perfect regardless.  In a way, in my conclusion I find acceptance for things as they are, beliefs as they are, truth seekers as they are and disruptors as they are.  All serve purpose.  As for Source, I believe in a Source but my belief is based on my experience and connection to that Source.  I treasure the moment and all thereafter and every position on THE continuum that is this Quantum Whole of our Consciousness.


The Origin of God  Gardener, Laurence, Dash House 2010 Brockenhurst, UK print.

The Secret Teachings of ALL AGES Hall, Manly P. Penguin Group, 2003 NY, print.

I, Reality and Subjectivity Hawkins, David R. Veritas Publishing, 2003 AZ, print.

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas, Pagels, Elaine.  Random House Publishers, NY 2003, print.

Rev. J.L. Harter, PhD, M.Msc., B.Msc., Author, Blogger, Teacher,  Spiritual Counselor and Founder/Editor of the JMCC.  See Bio section for more information.